AGM and Fitting Out Party 22nd March

Past Event
The AGM and Fitting Out Party will take place between 18.00–20.00 on Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at The Royal Ocean Sailing Club, 20, St James’s Place, London SW1A 1NN. All members of the BYC and their guests are very welcome. Tickets are £18 (wine and beer only). Dress Up.
Do please email Helen Dennis to book. The cost is £18 per person which should be paid in advance to BYC account A/C 01117602; 60-80-08 BYC.
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Team Race: BYC v Sea View YC, IOW 30th April

Past Event
This event will take place on the 30th April.
We charter six of the beautiful 25’ Sea View Mermaids for this event against Sea View Yacht club and we need 18 crew. The briefing is at 09.30 and we will be off the water by 16:00. The cost is around £100 per person although there is a discretionary subsidy paid by the club for those members under 3 years in practice. Our hosts are able to collect crew by RIB at 09:00 from Gunwharf Quay in Portsmouth (and return them after the racing) for a modest contribution.
Please email Robin Powell if you wish to sail and specify whether you wish to be collected and returned by RIB .
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Training Weekend (for CSS), Cowes 13-14th May

Past Event
It is not mandatory to attend the training weekend to participate in the rest of the Season. Based at Cowes Yacht Haven for the Saturday/Sunday with a casual crew dinner at Toninos Italian Restaurant for those wishing to join. Contact Rachel Spearing for more information.
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Team Race: BYC v Royal Naval Sailing Association, Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes IOW 3rd June

Past Event
This is a new event conceived at our Late Admiral’s memorial service in Westminster Abbey between the Commodore and Vice Admiral Sir Chris Gardner. As recorded in the club’s history (here), there was a regatta organized with the RNSA in 1937. The results are not known but that appears to have been the last time the two clubs raced against each other. The team race will be in the Squadron J70s sailed out of Shepards Wharf. It is likely to be a day’s racing. Arrangements are yet to be made for after-sailing refreshments but will be notified in due course. Crews are currently being selected. If you are interested in taking part, and you will need to be experienced, please contact Alex Charlton.
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Team Race: BYC v Law Society and others, Sea View YC, IOW 11th June

Past Event
This event will take place on 11 June at Sea View. Each team has 3 yachts with helm and up to 3 crew in each yacht. Last year the teams were The Bar Yacht Club, The Law Society, the Civil Engineers and Sheffield University Alumni. In previous years, we have raced against the House of Commons, the Institute of International Bankers, and a team of Architects.
The racing is Corinthian in spirit but competitive with leads changing throughout and close finishes. Experienced team racing helms are always welcome but crew members can be novices. The cost is around £110pp although there is a discretionary subsidy paid by the club for those members under 3 years in practice.
As in the Bar v Seaview match briefing is at 0930, off the water by 1600, collection from Gunwharf Quay Portsmouth and return is available by club RIB for a modest contribution.
Please email Robin Powell if you wish to sail and specify whether you wish to be collected and returned by RIB.
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Porcullis Regatta (CSS), Cowes, IOW 8-9th July

Past Event
Racing will be coordinated by the Island Sailing Club. Casual BBQ on Saturday Night. Mooring within Cowes Yacht Haven. Racing starts 1030 hrs with muster at the boat for 0900 hrs.
This event is being organized by Rachel Spearing.
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Tattinger Royal Solent YC Regatta, Yarmouth, IOW 14-16th July

Past Event
Racing takes place from Yarmouth on usually big courses criss-crossing the Solent. The racing is competitive, but the fleets are big enough that there is always someone to race against. The Regatta commences on Friday eve with the Tattinger champagne reception which is highly recommended. The Saturday evening Towers party, with live bands, is also great fun. The boat will be moored in Yarmouth on Friday and Saturday evenings.
This event is being organized by Andrew Venables.
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Finn Trophy & Spread Eagle Regatta (CSS), Island SC, Cowes IOW 16-17th September

Past Event
Hosted by the Island Sailing Club with racing and mooring from Cowes Yacht Haven. Casual crew BBQ on Saturday at the ISC.
Hosted by the Island Sailing Club with racing and mooring from Cowes Yacht Haven. Casual crew BBQ on Saturday at the ISC.
This event is being organized by Rachel Spearing.
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Bar v Bench, Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes, IOW 30th September

Past Event
This is a team race with either two teams of three boats or four teams of two boats, depending on conditions and the number of crew. We charter the Squadron J70s – superb boats for this kind of event, fast and maneuverable. The racing takes place in Osbourne Bay just to the east of Cowes and is organized by the Squadron. The final race of the day is the team fleet race back to the Squadron line with cannons to finish (if the club is feeling flush). We sail out of Shepards Wharf with a briefing at 10.00. We picnic on our boats between races. We are off the water at around 16:00 and meet for drinks at the Squadron with dinner to follow.
The timing of the event is designed to allow those coming from London or further afield to arrive in time by Red Jet and depart on the 21:30 Red Jet for Southampton.
Costs last year were around £95pp for the sailing (including race management and picnic) and £75pp for dinner including drinks beforehand. The sailing for those of 3 years in practice and under is, at the Club’s discretion, subsidized.
Alex Charlton is the contact for this event. Please get in touch with him if you would like to take part.
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John Lewis Regatta (CSS), Island SC, Cowes IOW 7-8th October

Past Event
The final event of the series. Coordinated by the Island Sailing Club, with mooring and racing from Cowes Yacht Haven. Drinks reception followed by 3 course dinner and prize giving at the ISC on Saturday evening.
This event is being organized by Rachel Spearing.
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Laying Up Supper 17th November

Past Event
The Laying Up dinner this year will take place at the Cavalry & Guards Club, 127 Piccadilly, London W1J 7PX. Drinks will be served from 6.30 PM. Dress is black tie and commensurate for ladies. Guests are welcome. The dinner is being organized by Kirsty Sutherland and Helen Dennis. Invitations and further details will be sent out nearer the time.