AGM and Fitting Out Party 26th March

The AGM and Fitting Out Party will take place between 18.00–20.00 on Wednesday 26th March 2025 at The Royal Ocean Sailing Club, 20, St James’s Place, London SW1A 1NN. Guests of members are very welcome.
Do please email Helen Dennis to book. The cost for the drinks party is £20 per person. The cost for dinner afterwards is around £69 per person (numbers are limited). Payment in advance is required. BYC account details are A/C 01117602; 60-80-08 using the reference FO.
Portcullis Regatta (CSS), Cowes, IOW 26th-27th April

This is the first of the five City Sailing Series in which we are participating this year (see also the entries below for the City Livery Regatta, the Bank of England Regatta, the Finn Trophy & Spread Eagle Regatta and the John Lewis Partnership Regatta. Further information on the series can be found at City Sailing Series – Welcome ,
This event is being organized by Rebecca Stubbs & Adam Furze in our chartered Reflex 38. Please email one of them to book your place.
Racing for this event will be coordinated by the Island Sailing Club. Casual BBQ on Saturday Night. Mooring within Cowes Yacht Haven. Racing starts 1030 hrs with muster at the boat for 0900 hrs.
Team Race: BYC v Royal Naval Sailing Association, Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes IOW 3rd May

This is the third year for this event (conceived at our Late Admiral’s memorial service in Westminster Abbey). As recorded in the club’s history (here), there was a regatta organized with the RNSA in 1937. The results are not known but that appears to have been the last time the two clubs raced against each other.
Three years ago saw the match revived, It was a hugely competitive and very memorable occasion. The team race, which takes place morning and afternoon will be in the Squadron J70s. Arrangements are yet to be made for after-sailing refreshments and will be notified in due course. Crews are currently being selected. If you are interested in taking part, and you will need to be experienced, please contact Crispin Winser.
Team Race: BYC v Sea View YC, IOW 4th May

This event will take place on Monday 4th May 2025, the day after the match against RNSA (see above).
We charter six of the beautiful 25’ Sea View Mermaids for this event against Sea View Yacht club and we need 18 crew. The briefing is at 09.30 and we will be off the water by 16:00. The cost is £120 per person although there is a discretionary subsidy paid by the club for those members under 3 years in practice. Our hosts are able to collect crew by RIB at 09:00 from Gunwharf Quay in Portsmouth (and return them after the racing) for a modest contribution.
Please email Crispin Winser if you wish to sail and specify whether you wish to be collected and returned by RIB .
City Livery Regatta (CSS), Solent 17th May

This is another City Solent Series race from Cowes. Rebecca Stubbs and Adam Furze are the organisers. Please e-mail either to book your place.
Bank of England Regatta (CSS), Cowes IOW 24th-25th May

This is another City Solent Series race from Cowes. Rebecca Stubbs and Adam Furze are the organisers. Please e-mail either to book your place.
Click here to add the event to your Outlook calendar.
BYC Summer Rally, Solent 4th-6th July

The summer rally will be held over the weekend of 4-6 July and we will be based at the Royal Southern in the Hamble.
As in previous years, the race for the Willett Cup will take place on the Saturday and there will be a sail to a sheltered anchorage on the Sunday when we will picnic. Those details are still being worked out.
It would be extremely helpful if members could indicate as soon as possible whether they intend to come, with or without a yacht or motorboat. Berths need to be arranged and a place for dinner booked for Saturday night. Do consider chartering for this event.
Guy Adams is organising. Please email him as soon as possible. He will need boat details in order to organise berthing,
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Cowes Week 2nd – 8th August

This will be the second year that we take part in Cowes week. Further details of the charter boat will be provided in due course.
It is likely that only some members will want to sail the whole week so it should be possible to fit in some of you for half of the week. We are of course keen for there to be continuity so that all those that sail are able to contribute.
Further details and costs will be provided in due course, together with plans for accommodation either in Cowes or on board.
The event is being organised by Rachel Spearing. Please email her to register interest. Given the costs involved, we will be asking you for a non-refundable financial commitment to secure your place. As with our other events, those who have been called or are in practice for less than three years may be eligible for a subsidy from the club (at its discretion).
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Finn Trophy & Spread Eagle Regatta (CSS), Island SC, Cowes IOW 6-7th September

Hosted by the Island Sailing Club with racing and mooring from Cowes Yacht Haven. Casual crew BBQ on Saturday at the ISC.
This event is being organized by Rebecca Stubbs and Adam Furze.
Click here to add the event to your Outlook calendar.
Bar v Bench, Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes, IOW 20th September

This is a team race with either two teams of three boats or four teams of two boats, depending on conditions and the number of crew. We charter the Squadron J70s – superb boats for this kind of event, fast and maneuverable. The racing takes place in Osbourne Bay just to the east of Cowes and is organized by the Squadron. The final race of the day is the team fleet race back to the Squadron line with cannons to finish (if the club is feeling flush). We sail out of Shepards Wharf with a briefing at 10.00. We picnic on our boats between races. We are off the water at around 16:00 and meet for drinks and dinner in Cowes.
The timing of the event is designed to allow those coming from London or further afield to arrive in time by Red Jet and depart on the 21:30 Red Jet for Southampton.
Alex Charlton is the contact for this event. Please get in touch with him if you would like to take part.
John Lewis Partnership Regatta (CSS), Solent 4-5th October

This is another City Solent Series race from Cowes. Rebecca Stubbs and Adam Furze are the organisers. Please e-mail either to book your place.
Laying Up Supper 21st November

The Laying Up dinner this year will again take place at the Cavalry & Guards Club, 127 Piccadilly, London W1J 7PX. Drinks will be served from 6.30 PM. Dress is black tie and commensurate for ladies. Guests are welcome. The dinner is being organized by Helen Dennis. Invitations and further details will be sent out nearer the time.
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